Friday, October 11, 2013

Tech article 10/11

Possibly one of the most innovative inventions since the lightbulb!

The newest and most innovative invention as been made...
This new invention will keep your regular breakfast warp while you are making toast! It is the Easy Toaster by Russel Hobbes. This could possibly change lives. It is sold at the current cost of $57. If I owned one of these I could save so many breakfast time disappointments.

Click Here

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tech article 12/14

Polygamist mouse

This mouse is not only wireless but has Bluetooth so it can change between devices. The mouse has a scroller that lets you change between your laptop, desktop, or whatever needs a mouse. It has a small LED panel that tells which devise you are currently on. This devise is $100. I think this is cool but a bit expensive. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tech article 12/7

Gummy Bear lamp.

This lamp is made with over 3,000 fake gummy bears. If it was made with real gummy bears then it would all melt and or make a fire. I still think this is really awesome.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Le Question

1. I chose these websites because some of them I actually care about.
2. It was fairly easy to subscribe to the feeds.
3. My two favorite are the cnn feeds and the ny jets feeds.
4.You can also use rss feeds as something for work or to keep track of sports.
5. Im not to likely to continue using rss feeds when i can just use bookmarks.(thats just my opinion)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tech Article 11/8

Hurricane Sandy:the most instagrammed thing ever?

Almost all of us know what instagram is. A lot of us have an instagram. After Hurricane Sandy There where 800,000 different pictures that were related to it. If you think about it compared to the superbowl (which has about 85,000 pictures) that is a lot of pictures. Click here for article.